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Wednesday, 6 February 2019

X-wing 2.0 Versions of Star Wars RPG

Here are the updated 2.0 version of the character and ship cards that I posted before as well as a short blerb about each card and how they are in the campaign, we tested the 1.0 versions and although they worked I found the offense value was a bit lacking so the gunner card has been increased in effectiveness a bit and the other crew have been modified and improved to adhere to 2.0 rules.

The Ship:

The Starchaser - Kazellis Class Light Freighter 
The Starchaser is a used Kazzelis Class Freighter purchased by the crew when  they first entered the Minos Cluster, in order to afford the ships price they took out a hefty loan from a loan shark. Kazellis Class Freighters have powerful stock shields and a single quad laser cannon mounted on the top of the ship as well as a fast hyperdrive and sublight speed. However they are rare ships so replacement parts are hard to come by and they are notoriously hard to modify. This particular Kazzelis class freighter has been through a few close calls, it appears to often drop out of hyperspace in a slightly wrong place though whether that is the navigators fault or the ships is unsure. Additionally The Starchaser has a brand new set of hull plating as the last plating was vaporized when the navigator attempted a high atmospheric jump to hyperspace to escape a battle which nearly tore the ship in half.

Meet the Crew:

Jodah Tambor - The Captain of the Starchaser
A smooth Talking, bargaining Human, Jodah would always rather talk his way out of a fight rather than get into one but they do always seem to find him anyway. A smuggler and scoundrel he really is in it for the money no heart of gold required. He can fly the ship in a pinch and knows how to handle a blaster pistol but would much rather leave those skills to his crew. He knows how to command his crew and get things done but spends a lot of his time trying to get the crew to hold together and focus a little more on profit and less on high minded ideals. He has no sympathy for the rebellion despite their recent contract with them.

Tsubasa – The Pilot and Medic

A seemingly emotionless, fragile Kaminoan, Tsubasa is a highly skilled hyperspace navigator a very competent pilot and very skilled combat medic, training for heavier types of medicine and surgery. Additionally she is a skilled shield technician and keeps the deflector shields going against TIE Fighters, Asteroids Pirates or whatever may be shooting at The Starchaser. Despite her high skill in Hyperspace Navigation she often seems to miss the target in sometimes very unfortunate ways. She successfully crash landed a Correllion freighter that had no power with no casualties and successfully performed a low atmosphere hyperspace jump without killing the crew. Despite her high skills almost any blow could kill her and she barely knows which way to point a blaster let alone how to pull the trigger.

Dost Blackmoon – The Gunslinger and Gunner
A hotheaded, aggressive gunslinger, Dost Blackmoon enjoys nothing more than the discharge of a blaster pistol in his hand. Coming from a checkered Imperial past, he has many emotional scars only outweighed by his many physical scars. Dost has come back from the brink of death in Tsubasa’s care more times then he can count, he’s had his chest and neck blown open and most recently he had one leg a hand and a forearm replace with robotics from a horrific airspeeder crash in an asteroid death race he entered. Dost never found something he couldn’t shoot and this mostly translates to his kills in the gunner seat. He also has a limited amount of mechanical knowledge and can repair parts of the ship in a pinch. Dost Blackmoon has thrown himself fully in with the rebels in the area and has enlisted in the army despite his captains best wishes.

Zzeris - Hotheaded Jedi
Zzeris is a Trandoshan Jedi who's master was killed in front of him during the Jedi purge, he still doesn't know much about the force, but meditates often to clear his mind and keep his anger under control. He seeks a non-violent solution to every problem but when violence arises he is more than capable with his illegal lightsaber and can sometimes hit things with his blaster pistol. Recently he has learned how to channel the force to temporarily prolong someone's life who is near death which he has used several times on Dost. He and Jodah often butt heads as Jodah is always in it for the money but Zzeris will always try to do the right thing. Zzeris has strong rebel sympathies but refuses to enlist in case they would ask him to do something immoral.

FV 216B 183 - Unhinged Repair Droid
A repair Droid deactivated since the Clone Wars this unit has gone far too long without a memory wipe and has gained a semblance of a personality, constantly tinkering and repairing both himself and the ship who can tell what routines and sub routines run through this droids processor. This unit can repair almost anything on the ship given the right replacement parts and although it has weak hull plating it is decent with a blaster in a fight, a fact its human masters are complacent of except for Zzeris who watches it quite closely.